The neurologists at the Neuro Rive-Sud clinic are specialists who diagnose and treat illnesses affecting the central nervous system (the brain and the spinal cord) as well as the peripheral nervous system (the nerve roots, the nerves and the muscles.
Léo Berger, MD FRCPC
Specializing in cerebrovascular diseases, Dr Berger is actively involved in clinical research at the Charles LeMoyne Hospital. He works in adult neurology at the Neuro Rive-Sud clinic.
Thierry Boucher, MD
Dr Boucher has completed a fellowship in epileptology and EEG. He also practices general adult neurology at the Neuro Rive-Sud clinic.
Jean-Martin Boulanger, MD FRCPC
Dr Boulanger specializes in cerebrovascular diseases. He also works in spasticity treatments. He is a committee member of the neurological program at the Université de Sherbrooke.
Martin Cloutier, MD FRCPC
Dr Cloutier specializes in movement disorders and Parkinson’s disease. He also has expertise in injecting botulinum toxin for cases of dystonia.
Robert Filiatrault, MD FRCPC
Dr Filiatrault works in adult and pediatric neurology. He also has a particular interest in migraines.
Sandrine Larue, MD FRCPC
Dr Larue specializes in neuromuscular diseases and EMG. She is responsible for the clinic of neuromuscular diseases-ALS. She is the principal investigator for several clinical research projects in neuromuscular diseases (neuropathies, ALS) and is also in charge of the electrophysiology department of Charles LeMoyne Hospital. To find out more
Estelle Latendresse, MD FRCPC
Dr Latendresse pratices general adult neurology at the Neuro Rive-Sud clinic. She completed an additional year of training in pediatric neurology.
Luis A. Leal F, MD FRCPC
Currently the head of the neurology department at the Charles LeMoyne Hospital, Dr Leal completed a fellowship in neuro-opthalmology at the University of Iowa in the United States (UIHC). He also practices general neurology and has an interest in education and research.
Hugo Marion-Moffet, MD FRCPC
Dr Marion-Moffet completed a fellowship in multiple sclerosis ans related disorders. He also pratices general adult neurology at the Neuro Rive-Sud clinic.
Lisa Sabella, MD FRCPC
Dr Sabella is a neurologist with expertise in multiple sclerosis and neuro-inflammatory disorders. She also practices genreal neurology at Neuro Rive-sud Clinic. She is involved in several clinical research projects in multiple sclerosis.