First of all, it is important to specify that at Neuro Rive-Sud, neurologists, nurses, electrophysiology technicians, receptionists, secretaries, and managers work. Medical students and residents occasionally participate in clinical activities.
Everyone has limited access to the records related to the services provided to them. All employees must identify themselves (access code) to access medical records. The computer activities of employees are easily traceable.
All employees and professionals have received training on information protection and have committed to following the established privacy policy. This policy has been updated to comply with the provisions of Bill 25.
Information will only be disclosed with your consent following an official request. This request is recorded in your file.
You can contact our Privacy Officer to learn more about our policies and how your personal information is handled.
You can reach the Privacy Officer by email or by mail:
Jean-Martin Boulanger
Neurologue, Administrator
4896 Taschereau, suite 250
Greenfield Park, J4V 2J2